I love Christmas because of the special music, wonderful programs, tasty food, spending time with my family, having a break from school and work, and most of all we get to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. May you find Peace in Him this Christmas.
Thanks to all of you who participated in sending things for the care package to help the Lile's family. I gave the gifts to them this last week and they were so grateful. Blessings to you.
Many things are going on in our community at www.DealingWithLearningDisorders.com
We are here to help.
Featured Article
ADHD medications - Do they pose a risk to the heart?
Aslam M
The cardiac risks of the drugs used for treating ADHD have attracted interest recently following the recommendation by the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee of the FDA to include a black-box warning describing the cardiovascular risks of stimulant drugs used to treat this condition. However, this recommendation has subsequently been toned down by the Pediatric Advisory Committee of the FDA.
Why are these drugs supposed to cause heart problems?
These stimulant drugs belong to the class of sympathomimetic amines. Cardiovascular
effects of these compounds have been well studied. They act by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and increase heart rate and blood pressure significantly. One study with a commercially marketed formulation showed an increase in systolic BP by about 5 mm Hg in treated adults. Such a rise of BP, argues the Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory committee, can cause definite adverse effects on long term therapy.
To see the full article sign up as a member for only $1 at: DealingWithLearningDisorders.com and get full access to all the other resources.
Discussion Group News
In our “Discussion Group” we talk about many interesting topics every week.
Here we find a private place to share with others, make friends, and ask questions of the Featured Experts on the site.
This week some of the topics we covered were:
Do your kids believe in Santa?, resources for art education, leadership roles, kids playing sports, and how important music is to children.
Come Join us! We would love to get to know you and your family!
Tip of the Week
Communicating with your child is very important. The clearer you can
communicate with children with learning disorders, the better your
relationship with them will be, the easier it will be for them to
remember instructions, and the stress level of both of you will
1: Make sure you have facial contact with the child when communicating
with him.
2: Allow sufficient time for the child to process and respond to
the given task.
3: Remember to give one step at a time.
4: Give multiple forms of instructions, i.e., visual, auditory,
written (charts),tactile.
5: Alert the child to important information, i.e., this is important
please listen carefully.
Communication is the key to understanding.
Have a Merry Christmas!