If any of you want to learn how to create residual income, bring your family together with a home business, and prepare your teens to have
their own businesses, you will want to be at this conference.
I took my daughter last year when she was 15. It was very educational and I was surprised at the opportunities for both teens and parents to learn.
We met many great families that we still keep in touch with today.
This was the conference where Rhea and I became joint partners on the creation of our Dealing With Learning Disorders site.
My daughter and I have learned so much this past year as a result of attending the conference. I'm so glad we went.
Rhea is all about bringing families together through home business.
My husband and I are going this year and we want to meet you all there. Let me know if you are going and we'll do lunch.
By the way, one of the benefits of being a member at Dealing With Learning Disorders is that you get a HUGE discount to all of Rhea's conferences!
Find out more by clicking the box below.

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