This week in our "Featured Articles" section you can read Part 1 & 2 of The Puzzle Boy Strikes out to the Wild West!
In these two articles our Featured Expert, Nancy Clayborn, tells about traveling on an airplane to California with her autistic son.
She describes in detail the miracles that happened on this trip, including how they got through airport security without a photo id card and how she handled her fear when her son wandered off in the airport.
Go here to read the rest of the story. Stay tuned for Part 3 & 4.
Our “Discussion Forum” introduces many interesting topics every week.
Here we find a private place to share with others, make friends, and ask questions of the Featured Experts on the site.
This week, several parents/teachers shared about how important it is to continue to "Date Your Spouse."
Here are a few things that were mentioned.
*Dating can do wonders for the health of your marriage. Our relationship with our spouse should be at the top of the list, just after God.
*The best thing you can do for your children is to let them see that mom and dad love each other and value their relationship.
*It's a precious thing to concentrate on "coupleship."
And more...
Visit our Forums for more discussion on this and other pertinent topics.
Tip of the Week
Children who have learning disorders sometimes have trouble or don't
feel comfortable expressing themselves. Here are some things you can
do to make it easier for them.
1: Have fun. Do a "nonsense" story. Make up the first sentence and
have the child do the next. Laughter encouraged!!
(Also promotes self esteem!!)
2: Use puppets to act out stories. Create your own plot. Also use
puppets to have the child talk about something that happened during
the day that he might have trouble expressing his feelings about to you.
To learn more about how you can help your child with learning
disorders visit: Dealing With Learning Disorders
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