Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just rambling.

I'm getting back into the swing of things after coming home from our trip. I've been very busy on the computer putting what I learned into action. Check out my YouTube videos on the right sidebar.

We will be starting school next Tuesday, so we'll be even busier then we are now. My 16 year old started her first college class last week at the junior college right behind our house. I love that she is getting high school and college credit both for taking this class and I LOVE that someone else is teacher her writing. She's taking English Comp I. She's a reluctant writer (kind of like her mom) but I know she will do fine. I keep telling her that she will appreciate me someday for encouraging her to do this. :)

With the holiday weekend coming up we are going to have one last outing before school starts. We're will be going camping at our county lake. Each year our town does a fireworks display over the lake. It is so beautiful! We'll go a few days before, get our camping spot, and then invite friends and family out to watch the fireworks with us. It will be a wonderful way to celebrate Labor Day.

I'd love to hear what your family will be doing to celebrate the holiday? You can leave a comment below. Take care. Robin


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